#2 Reason to VOTE:  Elected officials pay attention to those who vote.

Yes, your ballot is secret. No one knows how you voted on a race or an issue, but it is public record WHO voted in each election. Elected officials know who voted by address, by neighborhood, by voting area – CD 14 or State Assembly District 57, or Congressional District 37.

Elected officials need your vote to remain in office. If you call an elected official’s office, your call is noted and noted whether you vote or not. You are more likely to get the attention of an elected official if you have voted – voted recently – voted often!

In addition to individuals getting the attention of elected officials because they voted, a neighborhood also gets attention depending on how many voted in the neighborhood. South Park needs your vote so South Park can address its problems and be an even better neighborhood. South Park needs to have a voice.

Your vote not only helps you and your neighborhood, but also LA and California. You have a superpower – your vote.

So, I ask you - what is on your mind? What would you like your elected officials to address – in South Park or downtown or LA? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

(Be sure to include your name – anonymous postings are not accepted.)


P.S.  If you missed the #1 Reason to Vote in the July newsletter – check out this link - https://www.spna-dtla.org/blog/1-reason-to-vote.


August Actions for Your To-Do List:

1.    Are you registered to vote in California?

2.    Are you registered at your current address so you will receive your mailed ballot and can vote on who represents you?

3.    If you are not sure if you are registered or need to update your address – click https://registertovote.ca.gov/ to register or change address.

4.    Mark your calendar to attend neighborhood candidate events. Two scheduled events are:

September 19 from 6-8 pm at First Draft on Pico at Olive to meet state representative candidates (representing South Park) – Efren Martinez and Sade Elhawary and Efren Martinez.

October 17 from 6-8 pm at a location to be announced to meet the CD14 candidates who will represent South Park. Ysabel Jurado and Kevin de Leon.

5.    Watch this space for updates and more information about candidates and other ballot measures.

Voting is your voice.

By Debra Shrout


A TASTE of South ParkA Great Part of Living in South Park


Who will represent South Park in the California Assembly?Let’s Meet the Candidates