Aspiring to Become the Social District 

Last month The SPNA Scene reported that the South Park Business Improvement District (SPBID) has embarked on a rebranding campaign which renames South Park to “The Social District.” There have been mixed reactions. My sense is that traditionalists want to preserve South Park’s history and not change its brand while progressives support change and its rebranding agenda.  

The decision to rebrand has been made. My questions are what does it mean to be a social district and is that us?  

I asked ChatGPT, “What would a social district consist of?” A summary of the answer I received is “A  social district  is a designated area designed to foster community engagement, featuring outdoor gathering spaces, dining and beverage zones (often with open-container policies), local retail, entertainment venues, cultural attractions, and public art. These districts prioritize walkability, accessibility, safety, and cleanliness while promoting local businesses and hosting events like festivals and live performances. They aim to create lively, inclusive spaces for socializing and experiencing local culture.” 

I would like to live in that district! Unfortunately, that is not yet us. I believe we like the concept of being an area that fosters community engagement.  However, we need more neighbors to come out of their apartments more often.  

LA Live features outdoor gathering spaces, dining and beverage zones, local retail, entertainment venues, cultural attractions, and public art. 

  We do have walkability and accessibility. However, there is a strong need for better safety and cleanliness.  

Based on current economic conditions, local businesses can use as much promotion as possible.  

We have A Taste of South Park, Saturday’s Farmers Market, and Luminex. I hope we can aim for more.   

I would love to live in ChatGBT’s profile of a Social District. We have some elements in place already. Maybe with the rebranding initiative we can all work together to be that Social District.

By Marty Goldberg, SPNA President, representing The Social District 


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