Join Us for the First Ever SPNA Community Cleanse

New Year, New You

January is the month when we think about New Year’s Resolutions, addressing our bad habits, and some decide on a cleanse for the month. With the decadent eating (and drinking) that happens during the holidays, a cleanse during January is growing in popularity.

Our cleanse does NOT mean giving up eating or only drinking juice. Our cleanse is about healthy eating, no caffeine, no alcohol, no sugar, no processed foods for example. There are many cleanse choices - pick the one that works for you.

With this in mind, the South Park Neighborhood Association (SPNA), in partnership with California Hospital Dignity Health, has decided to launch a Community-wide cleanse for January. There will be many ways to gather as a community and support each other plus a slew of prizes for those that stay on cleanse the whole month or for best improvement in specific areas.

How to Participate: Proceed to the website New Year, New You - where you can

1.    Pick one of the popular cleanses – Whole 30, Paleo Diet, The Clean Program or choose one that fits your needs.

2.    Register for the January Cleanse.

3.    If you want to compete for prizes or you want to check for improvement, get your baseline tests done. More information on the website. Baseline test results must be submitted by January 10th to be eligible for prizes.

4.    Join us for one or all of the many cleanse-related community events we have scheduled for the month – online and in person.  It will be fun!

5.    Win prizes for participating as well as getting measured results.

Learn more on the New Year, New You website. Have questions – contact us at

6. Registration for In-Person “New Year, New You” Sessions (See Flier Below):

Registration for Zoom “New Year, New You Sessions (See Flier Below):

By Michael Robelto


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