Just Vote!!!

The previous four SPNA newsletters have featured reasons why you should vote:

#1 your life is affected by those who enact the laws and spend taxpayers’ money,

#2 elected officials pay attention to those who vote,

#3 the more people vote, the more people are represented,

#4 it is your right to vote – and it is your responsibility to democracy.

You can check out past newsletter articles on the  #1 Reason, #2 Reason, #3 Reasonand Reason #4 for more details.

For the 2020 election, 67% of registered voters voted which means that 33% did not vote.

But the number of eligible people who did not register to vote tells another part of the story. Of those 18-24 years of age, only 49% are registered while in the 65-74 age range, 78% are registered.  That is a lot of people not voting between those who are registered and don’t vote and those eligible but not registered.

My final thought – we are all in this together. We are one nation. We need to participate in the governing of our neighborhood, city, country. It is time to vote – by mail or in person. Exercise your right – let your voice be heard.

  By Debra Shrout


Frost & Fir A South Park Holiday Market


Election Help on South Park Candidates - Info for CD 14 Race: Ysabel Jurado and Kevin de León