South Park Neighborhood Safety Goals for 2023

A review of local neighborhood safety goals reveals two of our efforts from the last few years have remained unfulfilled.  Hopefully we can put renewed energy into realizing these two important goals in 2023!


Getting and keeping scooter traffic off the sidewalks:

Electric scooters (and more recently electric bikes) snarling the pedestrian dedicated sidewalks and causing peril to the residents continue to be a pressing problem in South Park. Most riders are aware these electric vehicles are banned from sidewalks; each vehicle carries a warning placard notifying of the restriction, yet the law continues to be ignored.  Locals and tourists continually need to be reminded of the dangers and the law.

Santa Monica has also experienced a similar problem. But when visiting Santa Monica recently, I realized their problem is well controlled by enforcement of laws and signage on the sidewalk intersections in the heavily trafficked retail areas. 

SPNA plans to investigate installation of similar sidewalk signage and putting a renewed effort into convincing LA traffic control officers of the importance of enforcing the substantial fine for riding on the sidewalk.


Installation of a pedestrian crosswalk on S. Grand mid-block between 11th and 12th Ave:

Despite our efforts to slow traffic down, Grand Ave. between Olympic and 16th Streets continues to be an impromptu drag strip and high-speed test track. With the installation of several popular new businesses on the 1100 block of Grand Ave, we are witnessing more and more jay-walking traffic.  It is only a matter of time before there is a vehicular/pedestrian tragedy in this part of Grand Ave.

We must insist that the maximum speed limit on Grand Ave. be 35 mph, and that the limit is enforced.   SPNA will file an application with the city for a stop light and pedestrian crosswalk mid-block on Grand between 11th and 12th Ave.  Such an installation will help reduce local drag racing.  We will need and soon request active community participation in this effort, and we look forward to working with all South Park residents to obtain our safety goals.

Know of other pressing safety issues in the neighborhood? Please don’t hesitate to contact me at!


By John Nilsson


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