SPBID Executive Director Resigns

Ellen Riotto resigned her position as Executive Director of the South Park Business Improvement District (SPBID) in October. In a letter to the SPBID Board, Ellen said, “I have decided it is time for me to close this chapter.” Ellen’s last day is November 18.

On a beautiful October afternoon, Ellen and I met at South Park Commons to talk about her 6-year tenure with the SPBID. Below are her answers – abbreviated from the discussion.

Question – What is the #1 issue ahead for South Park?

Answer – “Open space and common space for residents. 88% of downtown residents live in South Park. Little open public space, even less for children. Many families leave South Park because of lack of schools and space for children to play.”

Question – What was the most difficult part of your job?

Answer – Without hesitation, Ellen said the city of Los Angeles. “The people are hard-working with good intentions, but the structure of government is not agile. For 6 years I have sat in meetings where we discussed the same problems, and nothing changed. Downtown doesn’t have good political representation. Elected officials cater to their more established neighborhoods and where more people vote.”

Question – What was the most exciting part of your job?

Answer – “Seeing people enjoy South Park – South Park Commons or getting directions from SPBID Ambassadors.”

Question – Other than 2 successful SPBID renewals and 2 Luminex events, what do you regard as your #1 accomplishment?

Answer – “Moving the SPBID office to its current location which combined the clean and safe team with the staff creating a better culture of working together.”

Question – What was one to-do item on your list you did not have time to complete?

Answer – “The re-design of Pico Station. Train/car collisions, crimes around the station could be solved.”

Question – What is one piece of advice for the next Executive Director?

Answer – “Walk around South Park every day, know the physical area and the people.”

         We send best wishes to Ellen on the next chapter in life.


By Debra Shrout



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