SPNA January Community Cleanse

Laden with turkey, ham, potatoes, gravy, sweets, and treats, all of us are going to be thinking about some much-needed healthy eating and some physical activity come January. 

As we continue to look for ways to help our neighbors the crew here at SPNA have decided to launch our first ever January Community Cleanse. 

The guidelines are simple, participants will embark on one of the many well-known cleanse diets. You choose the diet that fits you - The Clean Program, Whole 30, etc. Think – healthy foods and avoid sugar, alcohol, processed foods.  You will record your weight and LDL cholesterol levels and anything else you want to improve, and then track the results during the month. At the end of January, we will see who lost the most or dropped the most cholesterol points or other personal goals (exercise goals for example), and prizes will be awarded. 

To help keep all of us on track, we will organize weekly neighborhood walks where we can commiserate on how it is all going and learn some healthy eating tips from each other. And we will plan other activities to help you learn more and help with motivation throughout the month.

As a regular “cleanser,” this January will be 13th year doing a cleanse. One of the biggest challenges of staying on track is the lack of social engagement. It is near impossible to eat out while on cleanse, so I end up being a hermit for most of the month. I greatly look forward to the casual neighborhood strolls we have designed into this community effort and other public engagements. 

If you, or someone you know, is interested in being part of our community cleanse, just send an email to spnadtla@gmail.com with the subject “Community Cleanse.” More information will be emailed to you at the end of December.

We wish you all the happiest of holidays! With the lingering hopes of a January cleanse, you can now feel less guilty after that second serving of delicious holidays foods. 

By Michael Robleto



Come to the SPNA Holiday Event! Sunday Dec. 17 5-9 PM at HiDef Brewing


Photo Page: L.A. Comic Con Just Wraped up at LA Live!