This is YOUR Neighborhood! Raise your hand

Los Angeles is a big City. The South Park community is relatively small.  You actually have influence in the area you chose to live. Your voice and actions can be a meaningful component in shaping its future.

I love the South Park Neighborhood. However, I believe it could be better. I believe it should have more dog parks and green space. I believe there should be more school options. I believe we could use more street lighting, speed bumps, and improved police responsiveness. I believe more organized social events help build a better community. I believe we should have a weekly local farmers market. I believe that you also believe in this community. 

What do like, dislike?  What ideas would you like implemented?

Raise your hand. Speak up. Send an email. Comment. 

The South Park Neighborhood Association started 20 months ago with a mission to build a residential community. To create a stronger voice for the residents of South Park. With no budget, we have succeeded to publish a quality monthly newsletter, created presence on multiple social media sites, held fun social events. We have gained awareness for local businesses as well as from our political representatives. 

We feel we are building a stronger community. We feel we should do more, move faster. We believe we can. We need your participation, your thoughts, your passion, your encouragement. 

We embrace YOU. Talk to us.

By Marty Goldberg 


Accidental Candidate vs Political Ambition: November LA City Attorney Race


Tuesday, November 8 is the General Election!