UPDATES to Previous SPNA Newsletter Articles

  Oil well in South Park – the public hearing for the nuisance abatement review of the oil well in South Park between Broadway, Pico, and 14th Place was rescheduled to Thursday, September 28.

You may submit a letter opposing the oil well by sending an email at any time with the subject line – Broadway Oil Drill Site at 155 W. 14th Place  -- to Edber Macedo at edber.macedo@lacity.org and CC reeyan.raynes@dlanc.com and  debby.zhou@dlanc.com.

The hearing on September 28 will be at 10 am. You can join the meeting virtually at:


Notice of the hearing with additional information can be viewed at:


         If you would like more information, email spnadtla@gmail.com.

·      The Mills Act – which is an economic incentive program for the restoration and preservation of qualified historic buildings for the last 25 years – has been reviewed by consultants Chattel and Associates and their proposed changes are currently being reviewed by LA City Planning. Although we were expecting hearings on the changes for citizen input,  there has been no word yet from LA City Planning. We will keep you updated as several proposed changes would dramatically impact downtown LA redevelopment of historic buildings.

·      Council District 14 Candidates

As of August 1, nine candidates have filed for LA City Council District 14 (our district). The last day to file is November 11, 2023. The primary election is March 5, 2024. The general election is November 5, 2024. The current declared candidates are: Samir Bitar, Wendy Carillo, Nadine Diaz, Genny Guerrero, Teresa Hillery, Ysabel Jurado, Nick Pacheco, Miguel Santiago, Eduardo Vargus.

Are you registered to vote? Are you registered at your current address? Need to check? Click here to do all of the above – www.registertovote.ca.gov.

·      Pico Triangle Project – The triangle space at Pico and Olive will hopefully become a mini-parklet space. Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council (DLANC) and South Park Business Improvement District (SPBID) submitted the Pico Triangle permit application to the Board of Public Works, Office of Community Beautification in June. The application is currently under review.

·      2nd Annual SPNA Howl-O-Ween Dog Costume Party – Planning has begun. Would you like to join the planning committee??? Email spnadtla@gmail.com. This is a blast of an event, and it is also great fun planning the event. Join us!

·      E-Scooter Special Operations Zone - In June, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) implemented the DTLA E-Scooter Special Operation Zone (SOZ). The SOZ covers South Park as well as the general area of the Downtown core, Little Tokyo, and the Arts District between the 101, 110, and 10 freeways, and the LA River.

This new policy specifies specific areas authorized for pick-up and leaving off a scooter. A fine is charged for leaving a scooter in a non-authorized zone.

Residents should experience fewer e-scooters littered across the sidewalks, as they should be concentrated and parked at specific approved areas. If people encounter scooters that are knocked over and blocking the sidewalk paths, they can file a My311 ticket under Transportation >> Dockless Mobility Enforcement. Make sure to include the e-scooter operator of the devices, as they are accountable to maintain proper parking of their vehicles within the new SOZ.

DLANC advocated for the implementation of the SOZ. 

By Debra Shrout



Foreclosure Sale for Oceanwide Plaza is On Hold


Art, Food, Drink, Beauty - All in One Space