Use Your Super Powers and VOTE! National Voter Registration Day – September 19 

        If you want a voice, if you want your opinion to matter, if you want a better neighborhood, country, or planet, then you need to vote.

         Are you registered to vote? Are you registered at your current address? Both of those are needed to vote. Tuesday, September 19 is National Voter Registration Day. This is a great reminder to register and update to your current address. It is easy!

         Click on - and check to see if you are registered to vote or registered with your current address so you receive your mailed ballot for each election. If not, register and update your address. Use the link above or the QR code below. Easy! And, you do not have to wait until September 19. Do it now!

Register so you can vote for your City Council representative who represents South Park or any of the numerous races in 2024 including President of the United States. Use your Super Powers and VOTE! 

By Debra Shrout



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