See Waymo at the Earth Day Spring Garden Party, Electric, Self-Driving, Ride-Hail Car

The first Earth Day was April 1970. Now 53 years later, we are still working to save our Earth.  Invest in Our Planet. What Will You Do? is the 2023 theme for Earth Day.

            South Park Neighborhood Association (SPNA) is hosting an Earth Day celebration on Earth Day, April 22 from 1-5 pm at Wishbone Park on Grand Ave. between 11th and 12th Streets to help residents with ideas on What You Can Do! One idea to consider…

            Waymo – the electric self-driving autonomous ride-hail vehicle company – is the title sponsor of SPNA Earth Day Spring Garden Party. Soon Waymo will be available to residents in South Park. Waymo is completing their mapping of the area and working on final permits. But on April 22 at Wishbone Park, you can see a Waymo car.

            How does Waymo help our planet?

First, it is all electric – all renewal energy. No dependency on oil.

Second, it supports using transit options when you need transportation for the first or last mile of the trip. I can walk to Pico station and ride the train to Santa Monica. If I want to head to Venice Beach – it is either a 34-minute walk or use a ride-hail service like Waymo. A large portion of my trip was on mass transit which is helping the planet and the second part is using a ride-hail service that uses renewal energy. A win – win.

Third, electric vehicles powered by renewable energy would save more than 100,000 American lives and $1.2 trillion in public health costs over the next three decades from an analysis by the American Lung Association. LA would definitely benefit from less pollution.

            And how does Waymo improve our lives?

First, Waymo is “the world’s most experienced driver.” Waymo has more technology behind its driving than the average driver in her/his car. Waymo is not distracted by texting, looking at a map/directions, rubbernecking at the Super Blooms, etc.

Second, Waymo does NOT speed! Waymo does not drag race. Waymo has more cameras looking for pedestrians. Waymo is a safer experience for those riding in Waymo but also for those driving their own cars or walking across the street.

Third, 94% of crashes are human choice/error. Waymo is not human. Waymo’s testing of 1 million miles has had no impacts or collisions.

            Come to the SPNA Earth Day Party on April 22 and check out the Waymo experience!


By Debra Shrout


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