Help SPNA Develop a More Walkable South Park

Enlightened city planners have realized the major way to promote a more viable city experience is throttling back on the local automobile access and replacing more cars with more walkability.

A recent deeply researched report by engineering giant Arup documented how improving walkability in a city “improves, among other things”:

·      “ traffic safety, community identity, tourism, stormwater management, transit effectiveness, urban competitiveness, and connection to cultural heritage

·       it reduces obesity, and other chronic diseases, health-care costs, crime, traffic congestion, maintenance costs, fossil fuel dependence, air pollution, ambient noise, and microclimates, and reduces local air temperatures

·       it increases life spans, neighborhood vitality, worker creativity, social interaction, intergenerational connectedness, community inclusivity, employment rates, economic productivity, local investment, property values, efficiency of land use, public engagement, civic responsibility, urban resiliency, beauty and happiness.”

(from Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, by Jeff Speck).

The South Park Neighborhood Association wants to turn three blocks of Grand Ave between Olympic Blvd and Pico Ave into a city park to promote local walkability and use this park idea to foster more projects in DTLA that result in turning LA away from the car culture that’s slowly killing the city and its inhabitants and promoting a Walkable City. 

Please help us take the first steps toward this goal by signing the SuperBlock Petition accessed by the links below.  We can have a much better Walkable experience in DTLA.  It starts NOW.



Spreading Holiday Joy


More Residential Towers Coming to South Park