Next StepRunning for CD14 Council

        For a candidate’s name to appear on the March 2024 primary ballot for CD14 Council District, each candidate must file a Nominating Petition with the City Clerk containing signatures from 1,000 registered voters in the CD 14 district.

Teresa Hillery MC’s South Park Howl-O-Ween dog event

         Teresa Y Hillery, South Park resident, is running for the CD14 City Council seat and will begin collecting signatures on Saturday, November 11 until Wednesday, December 6.

Want to help collect signatures? Email Teresa at Training will be provided.

Want to sign the petition to put Teresa’s name on the ballot? You can sign at the following places:

·      South Park Farmers Market Corner (corner of 11th and Grand) on November 11 (petition is picked up the morning of Nov. 11 at City Hall – signing will be available as soon as Teresa arrives at the Farmers Market site), 18, 25, and December 1 from 9 – 2 pm.

·      Brews and Ballots at HiDef on Monday, November 13 and Monday, November 27 from 5-7 pm.

Want to learn more about Teresa? Checkout her website

By Debra Shrout




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SPNA’s Spooktacular Howl-O-Ween Dog Party