Our Voices Were Heard: Al Fresco Dining Returns for South Park Bars, Breweries

         LA’s Al Fresco Fast-Track Permit Program for businesses offering Al Fresco dining on private property was launched in early July. Audiograph (previously HiDef) on Olive and 12th now has a way forward to regain use of their patio space.

         If you recall, SPNA posted on their website and in the June newsletter that a new Al Fresco Dining ordinance excluded bars and breweries from using outdoor space even on private property and even though they were allowed during COVID. Audiograph would have had to discontinue using their patio on July 31. SPNA wrote to Mayor Bass in support of Audiograph and encouraged other South Park residents to do so in our June newsletter.

         While we were not alone in protesting the regulations against bars and breweries using private outdoor space, we are encouraged that Mayor Bass and others heard our voices and found a solution.

The new fast-track permit program has changed the game. The new permit program allows the city to streamline and expedite the process and includes bars and breweries.

         Cristina Ward, one of the owners of Audiograph, said she has applied for this fast-track program and is in the process of passing clearances from a variety of city departments. She has cleared two City Planning Department requests. Next up - two Bureau of Engineering clearances for sewer availability and engineering process, County Department of Health for a food establishment, and three additional City Planning clearances for historic resource verification, redevelopment project area, and a zoning administrator case.

         Not all of Audiograph’s clearances may be completed by July 31. Therefore, the patio may be closed for a bit of time, but not for long.   

         If you wrote in support of Audiograph, thank you for supporting our local businesses. I hope you attended SPNA 3rd Annual Neighborhood Night Out on July 31 at Audiograph – on the patio!

By Debra Shrout        

Note: If you missed reading the original story on the al fresco dining changes, here is the link:  




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