Proposed Development at 1220 S. Hope Street

         Developer Relevant Group presented a proposed mixed-use development at 1220 S. Hope Street to the Planning and Land Use Committee of Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council (DLANC). The proposal is for an eight-story building with 531 studio apartments, parking for 109 vehicles, and 7,000+ square feet of ground floor commercial space. Twenty-seven of the apartments would be for low-income households.

         MVE + Partners is designing the project with a contemporary podium-type building with a black exterior accented with brick and wood panels with multiple courtyards and a rooftop pool deck.

         Relevant Group is also the developer of the next-door Morrison Hotel which was recently the scene of a major fire.

         South Park Neighborhood Association is reaching out to the Relevant Group for more information on the project.

By Debra Shrout


Phase, not Pause, LA Convention Center Expansion


Hotel Project Moves Forward at 1130 S. Hope