SPNA Milestones from 2022:  Building a Better Community

The South Park Neighborhood Association was organized by caring residents from the South Park neighborhood in early 2021. 

We have taken several significant leaps this past year and are proud to share some key accomplishments with you. The following list points to residents and businesses that are committed to making our neighborhood better. In addition, the involved have made new relationships, challenged themselves, and have had fun while making South Park a better place to live and work. 

We are so fortunate to have such talented people as John Nilsson to take photos for the SPNA monthly newsletter and the Instagram page, “The Dogs of South Park.” Due to the dedication of Debra Shrout, we are cohesive and organized. She has led the political advocacy group. Julie Brosterman continues her diligence of posting timely and exciting happenings through SPNA’s Facebook page. Special mention to two dynamo additions to SPNA in 2022 are Jessica Kasbaum and Aileen Coyle. They bring exuberance, design, programming, and leadership to help our committee. We appreciate the ongoing support of many other committee members. Imagine all the possibilities for 2023 with your involvement! 

By Marty Goldberg

SPNA 2022 Milestones

·      February: Finalized the SPNA Mission Statement

·      March: Created the SPNA Logo

·      March: Launched SPNA Facebook page

·      May: Primary Ballot Salon event

·      June: Launched SPNA Website

·      June: First SPNA Event - Cheese and Beer Pairing

·      July: Dogs of South Park Instagram Site is Up!

·      July: Jessica and Aileen join SPNA

·      July: SPNA Instagram page launched

·      August: SPNA Neighborhood Night Out Event

·      August: Voter registration activities

·      September: Kobe Bryant Memorial Park meetings

·      September: Voter education activities

·      September: SPNA Game Time- Rams vs Bills Football Event

·      September: Stop the Bleed Emergency Preparedness Training

·      September: Oil Well opposition letter to City Planning and CD14

·      October: Open letter urging Kevin de Leon resignation to City Council

·      October: Developers’ meeting for Moxy/AC Hotels

·      October: SPNA Howl-O-Ween Dog Parade event

·      October/November: Get out the Vote activities

·      November: 600th email sign up for SPNA direct list

·      November: Developers’ meeting-Margo Street Self-Storage

·      November: 11th Street closure survey and letter to City Council

·      December: SPNA Ugly Sweater Holiday event

·      December: 21st Consecutive published SPNA Monthly Newsletter




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