It IS Time to Sign - Neighborhood Petition to Recall Kevin de León

South Park residents are collecting signatures on the recall petition of CD 14 City council member Kevin de León after he, two other city council members, and a lobbyist used racist insults as they worked to reshape the council district maps to their benefit.  The three in conversation with de León have resigned/left office leaving only de León who refuses to take responsibility for his actions. Hence the reason for the recall petition. It is time to sign.

South Park neighbors are not alone in supporting a recall of de León or his resignation. A recent poll by the LA Times of registered voters in CD 14 showed “over ½ said he should resign. If the recall petition is successful, 58% would recall him from office.” He failed to get majority support from any major demographic group, the poll found. We need the recall petition which allows voters in CD14 to decide who should represent us.

South Park residents express little confidence in him, believe he is only interested in himself, do not find him representing the values of the neighborhood, and has allowed his ego to dictate his actions vs. what is best for the CD 14 community according to petition workers.

De León has pledged not to resign but hold on to his salary until his term is up in November 2024. Waiting is not the answer. We need to move forward without de León.

It is time to sign the recall petition. The process is simple – print your name, sign your name, provide a complete address (no P.O. Box), and the date you signed. Ready to sign? If you are a registered voter and want to sign the recall petition, email and we will arrange a convenient time and place for you to sign the petition. It is time!


By Debra Shrout


High Energy on a Windy Sunday Afternoon


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