Tell Your Dog - Coming Soon – More Places to Go

Doggie Station now under construction!

It’s no secret that there are probably almost as many dogs in South Park as there are residents!  The South Park BID (Business Improvement District) has recognized this and is taking steps to help your dog find a suitable place to do what every dog has got to do.

SPBID is in the process of adding six new dog “comfort stations” to the streets of South Park.  A total of six stations will be installed over the next few weeks with completion scheduled before the 15th of June.         According to Victor Gonzales, SPBID Director of Operations, there will be 2 stations on Hope between Olympic and 12th, 2 stations on 12th between Figueroa and Hope, and one each on Grand and Olive between 11th and 12th. Each station will feature an AstroTurf mat, dog bag dispenser, trash receptacle and…a “fire hydrant” to help the aim of dogs of the male persuasion.  The BID will maintain the stations daily to assure a pleasant experience for both dogs and owners.

Kudos to the folks at SPBID for realizing the need for this effort!  Hopefully all residents will direct their dogs to use these stations whenever possible and keep them out of our many landscaped beds that are currently taking a real beating! 

By John Nilsson, Dog Owner


Save The Date…A TASTE OF SOUTH PARK event!


Quick Trip to Pasadena, Little Tokyo, or Arts District, New Metro Line Opens Friday, June 16